Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How Seniors Should Begin Doing More Campus Tours Essay

â€Å"All of a sudden they can picture themselves there. It helps them want to make sure the transcript looks the way they want it to look when they graduate.† (Lohmeyer) Since juniors are old enough to legally drive they should seek out job opportunities, job shadowing or summer jobs that align with the career field that they are interested in. Lohmeyer believes that college entrance exams like the ACT and SAT should also be on the agenda for juniors. â€Å"Maybe someone’s interested, for example, in the legal field – well, just apply to be a janitor at a law office,† she says. â€Å"The more people you talk to who are doing what you think you want to do, the more confident you are going to be.† Last, but definitely not least, Lohmeyer explains how seniors should begin doing more campus tours and really narrowing their list of colleges. Seniors should also use their senior year to work on areas of improvement according to their college entrance exam results from the previous year instead of just taking blow off classes. â€Å"When a student comes in and they say, ‘Oh, I want to take two PE classes and I don’t need math anymore,’ I can look at their college readiness scores and say, ‘You know what, according to this, you’ll be taking some remedial classes,† Lohmeyer says. Focusing on those core subjects as a senior will contribute to student success in college courses. More high schools should enforce the same thinking that Lohmeyer does. Instead of allowing students to take easy electiveShow MoreRelatedBoeing: Organizational Culture and Structure1493 Words   |  6 PagesORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE AND STRUCTURE 2 Boeing: Organizational Culture and Structure Jory Authement MGMT312 Management Theory and Practices Professor Stephen Stewart April 22, 2014 Before we can begin a discussion on the cultural dynamics within the Boeing Company, it is imperative that we define and briefly elaborate about the foundational structures of the company, and its core values. Both of which has a direct impact in the development of its culture.. Being that Boeing has remote multinationalRead MoreA Report On The Rebel Recycling Program1795 Words   |  8 PagesAbout the Organization The Rebel Recycling Program was started in 1995 after a UNLV student wrote a thesis in her senior years of Environmental Studies (UNLV Facilities Management, 2014). 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